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Genoa – All the colors of white

January 13

The Go Wine association opens 2025 in Genoa on Monday, Jan. 13, with the special Winter Edition of “All the Colors of White,” a tasting event dedicated to Italian white wines.

A get-together and tasting occasion, renews a traditional Go Wine “whitist” event in Genoa in the early months of the year. The initiative is part of the broader “All Colors of White” project that Go Wine has been curating for several years.

The event:

Tasting dedicated to wine enthusiasts and professionals, on Italian white wines. An original tasting that will range from the Alps to Sicily and will highlight Italian white wine varietals and identities, involving prestigious names in Italian oenology.

At the tasting desk and wine shop, it will be possible to appreciate and taste the biodiversity and richness of Italian white wine through a selection of labels expressing different grape varieties and areas, vintages and winemaking methods. A tasting desk will be presented with a selection of wineries directly present to meet the public; in addition, a wine bar will complete the tasting panorama.

The Program:

The event will take place on Monday, January 13, 2025 from 4:30 to 10 p.m. at the Starhotels President, Corte Lambruschini, 4 in Genoa

To ensure the best influx of participants and to allow more people easy access to the tasting booth, admissions will be divided by shifts and by reservation:

    • 4:30-6:00 p.m.: Preview reserved exclusively for qualified professional operators (wine and food journalists, recognized individuals working in wine shops, restaurants, wine bars: two people per venue).
    • 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.: first round of opening the tasting to the public
    • 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.: second round of opening the tasting to the public
    • Info e Contatti:

      Le informazioni sono in continuo aggiornamento sulla pagina ufficiale https://www.gowinet.it/evento/tutti-i-colori-del-bianco-genova-13-gennaio-2025/

      La richiesta di accredito per gli operatori di settore avviene tramite mail a stampa.eventi@gowinet.it. Go Wine verificherà e confermerà l’accredito per iscritto.


Go Wine
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Starhotels President
Corte Lambruschini, 4
Genova, Italy
+ Google Map

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