EditorialSigned DoctorWine

French suicide

Suicidio francese nel vino

We are witnessing in France a penalizing attitude toward wine, both promotionally and culturally. Is there a risk that such a "vision" will take hold in Italy as well?

All wine lovers, even Italian ones, if they have not started their journey with French wines, certainly consider some of them as true true cultural landmarks as well. Grand Cru of Burgundy, Premier Cru of Bordeaux, Champagnes from very famous Maisons, and many others.

Well, it may seem unbelievable to you but if there is a national wine sector which is under the fire of a kind of “friendly fire” is precisely the French. One cannot by law advertise wine, the anti-alcohol lobby is particularly fierce, and above all there is a general attitude that does not consider wine worthy of representing something positive in lifestyle. Talking about wine, in short, is no longer something worthy of being counted in French culture, is no longer fashionable but neither is it representative of positive aspects related to tradition and quality.

It sounds unbelievable, but it is so. Not only that, but French political representations in Europe suffer Decisions contrary to the promotion of wine without batting an eye, and sometimes even voting for it. Remaining to defend positions are representatives Italians and also those Spaniards, but not the French, who have allowed the status of wine to be expanded to dealcoholic products, for example, and who, with an ultra-ecological and ultra-healthy attitude, do practically nothing to pass on the difference between the use and abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Is it a kind of French suicide? It would seem so, and it is indeed paradoxical. Piero Mastroberardino, a famous and historic wine producer in Campania, but above all president of the Istituto Grandi Marchi and former president of Federvini mentioned this while answering a question on such issues during the presentation of the 20th anniversary of the association he heads. Truly incredible. We only hope that this
cupio dissolvi
in French sauce does not spread to us as well, although some risk seems to be there.

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