Eating and Sleeping in the VineyardsGourmet

The restaurant of the Agricola Mevante

Agricola Mevante, ristorante tavolo all'aperto

The farm is located in Umbria and is situated among the hills of the ancient Roman city Mevania, now Bevagna, on the road leading to Torre del Colle.
Consisting of a single body of 10 hectares of property, it is fully exposed to the east.

L’Agricola Mevante, owned by Roman siblings of Umbrian origin Antonella and Paolo Presciutti, in its restaurant offers traditional Umbrian cuisine declined with current cooking techniques, without distorting the taste of ancient flavors and using high quality ingredients.

Agricola Mevante: Antonella, Luca and Paolo Presciutti
Agricola Mevante: Antonella, Luca and Paolo Presciutti

The chef Luca Presciutti, with his passion and professionalism, personally takes care of the selection of products used, to offer local dishes reworked with style.
The raw materials are partly self-produced, as are most of the vegetables offered in the
menu; the pork is sourced from a small, free-range farm, and the chef personally oversees the production stages of the meats offered for tasting.The restaurant has a very welcoming indoor room and is perfectly integrated with the landscape context.
L’arredamento è in chiave moderna e gode di ampi spazi esterni con un suggestivo affaccio sul monte Subasio.

The restaurant, of course, offers the opportunity to taste all the labels from the Mevante winery at their best, offering a sensory journey between food and wine where one enhances the characteristics of the other, allowing for an unforgettable experience, offering a complete sensory journey.

Company visits

In addition to its catering offerings, the company has a tasting room that seems not to be separated from the landscape that surrounds it: all around it, in fact, are the vineyards and on the horizon the most iconic towns of Umbria: Assisi, Spello, Trevi and, in the foreground, the pretty village of Bevagna.
È così che si può gustare al meglio un calice di Sagrantino (vino principe dell’areale) immersi nel territorio che lo ha visto nascere e farsi conoscere dal mondo.
Non solo Sagrantino (utilizzato anche nel blend del Montefalco Rosso) però, la produzione vede protagonisti anche due vitigni a bacca bianca (Grechetto e Trebbiano Spoletino) autoctoni dell’Umbria e che trovano qui una loro interpretazione autentica.

Agricola Mevante, the indoor hall
Agricola Mevante, the tasting room

The following are offered two types of visits:

  • Guided tour of the vineyards and winery with a final tasting of 3 wines accompanied by a platter of local cured meats and cheeses
  • light lunch with tasting of 3 wines (for groups of minimum 10 people)

Customized tours can be arranged upon request.

The restaurant is open Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 3:30 p.m.
while tours with tasting, which take place by reservation only, are Monday through Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Sundays only for groups of min. 10 people.

Agricola Mevante reservations: +39 347 2316190 – Mail: info@agricolamevante.comLanguages spoken: Italian, English



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