
Barolo en Primeur returns

Barolo en Primeur 2024, Vigna Gustava etichetta d'artista

The 4th edition of Barolo en Primeur is scheduled to take place next October 25 in Grinzane Cavour. Philanthropists from around the world will be connected live from New York and London.

So many new developments this year, among the most important is definitely wine. The return of 15 barrels to the auction, thanks to a 2023 vintage that, as pointed out Sergio Germano, newly appointed president of the Consorzio di Tutela Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe e Dogliani, “renormalized the dry and hot anomaly of the previous vintage, which had forced producers to reduce production volumes.” Vigna Gustava including, the Cavour vineyard surrounding Grinzane Castle purchased by the Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo Foundation which through this project funds more than 55 social projects in Italy and abroad.

The charity auction

Castle of Grinzane Cavour

Castle of Grinzane CavourBut the charity auction, scheduled for next October 25 at Grinzane Castle, has become much more, an opportunity to concretize the ties of many actors, of one same territory, to the territory itself; a project that speaks of the Langhe to the world, the proceeds from the sale of the barriques are supporting hospitals, art foundations, social cooperatives, institutions for women in difficulty, integration projects, restoration of works of art and historic buildings. While proceeds from the sale of communal lots, a thousand bottles, magnums and double magnums offered by 80 producers fund the Alba School of Enology so as to ensure more modern and efficient spaces for the future oenologists of the Langhe. So far, 134 thousand euros have been raised to support the production system and functional rather than aesthetic recovery of the School’s premises.

Continued collaboration with Christie’s, which waives commissions; once again this year the director of Christie’s Italy will manage the auction Cristiano De Lorenzo, the auction will be held at Grinzane Cavour Castle and live with New York e London. Online bidding is already open by registering at https://theauctioncollective.com/auctions/barolo-en-primeur-2024/ where municipal lots can be consulted. Instead, the fifteenth barrel will be struck on Sunday, November 10 during the International Alba White Truffle Auction. in connection with Hong Kong.

The artist label

Barolo en Primeur 2024, the conference
Barolo en Primeur 2024, the conference

The artist responsible for designing the label for the fourth release of Barolo produced in the
Gustava Vineyard is Scotland’s Susan Philipsz. La sua opera “Broken Token” riprende un’antica tradizione anglosassone. Le mamme che decidevano di lasciare all’orfanotrofio i bambini, di cui non potevano occuparsi, nascondevano nei loro vestiti anche un gettone tagliato a metà, tenendo l’altra per sé, così da poter in futuro riconoscere il figlio, ricomponendo il gettone. Questo ritrovarsi vale anche quando si apre una bottiglia di Barolo, un momento celebrativo, di gioia e piacere.

Barolo en Primeur 2024, the vineyards
Barolo en Primeur 2024, the vineyards

The presentation of the upcoming auction was also an opportunity to draw a line and look at how much and what has been accomplished in the first three editions. Launched in 2021, the initiative is implemented by
Fondazione Cassa Risparmio di Cuneo with Fondazione CRC Donare ETS and the Consorzio di Tutela Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe e Dogliani, the first three editions raised a total of 2.37 million by increasing year by year. 666,000 euros in 2021, 834,000 in 2022 and 877,000 in 2023. Philanthropists in past editions include Compagnia San Paolo Foundation, Francesca Lavazza, Poste Italiane, Quadrivio Capital America Inc, Esclapon de Villeneuve. 

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