Tag : events

Wine Paris

Redazione DoctorWine
On February 10, 11 and 12, 2025, Paris will host the 3rd edition of Wine Paris, one of the most important and influential events in the wine and spirits industry worldwide. Wine Paris is a Food and Wine Experience of...

Wine in Venice

Redazione DoctorWine
The 3rd edition of Wine in Venice, an iconic event that fits into the calendar of major Venetian events such as Carnival and the Film Festival, is coming soon! What is Wine in Venice Wine in Venice was born from...

Wine & Siena

Redazione DoctorWine
Wine & siena: the appointment with Wine&Siena, a journey through the best wines of Italy, is renewed again this year : a selection of Italian wines awarded The WineHunter Award The tenth edition of Wine & Siena, Wine Festival with...

DoctorWine in Berlin 2024

Redazione DoctorWine
DoctorWine in Berlin 2024 Daniele Cernilli (aka DoctorWine) und sein Team freuen sich, Sie zur Präsentation des neuen Taschenführers «Große Weine zu kleinen Preisen» einzuladen. Sie haben die Gelegenheit, eine Auswahl der besprochenen Weine zu degustieren und mit den anwesenden...